Meet and exceed cyber security requirements for ICT products

ICT products are used by billions of people, every day, all over the world. Beyond the laptops and PCs, routers and servers allow the streaming of information and collaborative working that underpins much of modern life.

Given the centrality of ICT to today’s society, the reliable, secure operation of these products is vitally important. To help achieve this, several testing and certification programs exist.

Common Criteria - Globally recognized, Common Criteria is the widest available cyber security program for IT products.

FIPS 140 - The de-facto standard to certify cryptography implemented in ICT products.

O-TTPS - Assess and certify supply chain security programs for ICT products and services.

As well as enhancing product security, these certifications open new markets as they are often required to sell ICT equipment to governmental buyers, and other high-security sectors such as financial institutions.

Intertek’s network of 4 product security labs across North America, Europe and Asia has unparalleled experience in ICT Cyber Security certification, across all product types, and being accredited to a large number of national schemes, offers many routes to product certification. With over 150 expert staff focused on product cyber security certification, Intertek has the scale to deliver your project at pace, with a client-focused mindset that understands certifications are business enablers for your organization.

Intertek offers a wide range of services to expand your ICT market:


Intertek offers testing and certification to Common Criteria, FIPS 140 and OTTPS.


ICT products incorporating wireless connectivity must be certified to access cellular networks. Our labs in North America and Asia can help.


As an electrical product, ICT is subject to EMC regulations, which vary from country to country. Intertek’s network of EMC labs, the largest in the world, allows the fullest access to all markets.

Performance & Interoperability

To achieve commercial success, on top of safety and security requirements, products must interact seamlessly, with a wide diversity of other connected devices, from tablets and cell phones to home hubs. Intertek’s interoperability services ensure your product can thrive in the IoT ecosystem.

Other Services

Intertek offers a range of other services to meet the needs of market access for ICT globally, from electrical safety to chemical safety and even supplier or social audits.

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