Lead is a toxic metal that is harmful to human health. Unfortunately, some housing estates in Hong Kong have had their water supplies contaminated by lead, leading to abnormally high blood-lead levels in some young children residing in the affected buildings.

Is the water in your home safe to drink? 

According to the standard set by the World Health Organization, drinking water should contain less than 10 micrograms of lead per liter.

Major sources of lead contamination in water include corroded pipes and the use of solder containing lead. Long-term exposure to lead can cause serious health problems, such as organ failure and brain damage, particularly in children who can be affected by smaller quantities than in adults. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, over-exposure to lead can cause irreversible damage to children both physically and mentally.

As a responsible member of your family, you should safeguard the health and safety of your family members and ensure that your home water source is safe from lead and other toxic metals.

Professional chemical testing is the only solution to assure that lead content in water is within the recommended limit and is safe to drink. With extensive professional experience in chemical testing and as a company trusted by renowned global brands, Intertek can provide you with a fast and reliable water-testing and analysis service at an affordable price.  

Drinking and non-drinking water sample types can be tested for lead and other common toxic metals such as Cadmium, Chromium, Nickel and others.

Please contact our representatives today to learn more about our testing details and service offerings:

Food Services Team
Tel: +852 2173 8111
Email: food.hkg@intertek.com

Lead in Drinking Water Testing

tap water

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