11 Nov 2015

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has proposed a draft Control Scheme for Materials Intended to Come into Contact with Food. If approved, this control scheme will enter into force 180 days after the date of publication in the Official Gazette.   

This control scheme applies to food contact materials described in the following table, including packaging made of metal, glass, plastic, paper and cardboard, multi-layered packaging, and any other materials intended to use for food packaging.


Title of Mandatory Standard

Standard Number

General requirements for the materials intended to come into contact with food

UAE.S/GSO 2231

General requirements for fresh fruits and vegetables boxes


Tableware made ​​from melamine plastics


Wrapping paper and paper bags


Single-use rigid and semi-rigid plastic cups and containers for packaging beverages, milk products, and allied purposes


Food packages - part 1: general requirements


Milk paperboard containers

GSO 1102

Polyethylene bags for food packaging applications

UAE.S GSO 1193

Three piece steel round cans used for canning food stuffs

UAE.S GSO 1791

The two pieces Aluminum round cans used for canning food (beverages & stuffs)

UAE.S GSO 1793

The two-pieces Steel round cans used for canning food-stuffs

UAE.S GSO 1794

Round metal cans used for canning food stuffs: definitions, construction, dimensions and capacities

UAE.S GSO 1797

Food packages part 2: plastic package - general requirements

UAE.S GSO 1863

Cook ware made from thermal glass

UAE.S/GSO 2075

Cold formed Aluminum household utensils

UAE.S/GSO 1008

Tea and herbs bags

UAE.S/GSO 2138

Domestic cookware coating materials

UAE.S/GSO 2014

Non-returnable glass bottles for carbonated beverage

UAE.S GSO 1024

Maximum level for cadmium in food

UAE.S GSO 1807

General standard for contaminants and toxins in food


Guideline levels for vinyl chloride monomer and acrylonitrile in food and packaging material

UAE.S GSO CAC GL 6 :2007

Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of inorganic tin contamination in canned foods

UAE.S GSO CAC/GL 60:2007

Plastics - determination of migration of plasticizers


Standard & specification for oxo-biodegradation of plastic bags and other disposable plastic objects

UAE.S 5009 :2009


Materials in contact with food shall meet the requirements in UAE.S/GSO 2231 and relevant Emirates standards as listed in the above table. They shall be manufactured in factories in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), or other quality scheme adopted by the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA).

They shall also be labeled with “للملامسة مع الغداء” (which means food contact) or the following symbol: 

food contact symbol


Importers of such products shall then register with ESMA and obtain a certificate of conformity on the basis of the Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS).

Intertek Hong Kong is listed on the Dubai Municipality’s list of approved labs for food contact testing. In addition to our comprehensive testing services, we provide ECAS registration services on behalf of our clients as a one-stop solution.