Intertek Hong Kong Speaks at Food Expo
31 Aug 2021
Sharing with consumers that their health and safety always come first amidst the COVID-19 era under Protek scheme
On August 12, Intertek Hong Kong spoke at the forum of Food Expo 2021, co-organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Hong Kong Certification and Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the operation and business performance of many industries in unprecedented ways. As the crisis unfolded, people have become increasingly aware of food safety and hygiene, while the food and beverage industry is rapidly adjusting. This year, to educate the public about the significance of the use of third-party conformity assessment services, industry leaders, professionals and numerous exhibitors shared their expertise under the theme of “Testing and Certification Services for Food in the Pandemic Era.”
At the seminar, our Food Safety Manager, Mandy Cheng, reviewed the key events of the COVID-19 outbreak and presented her insights into the measurements people can take in order to avoid a hygiene crisis. Mandy also spoke about third-party conformity assessment services, and how accreditation bodies play a key role in ensuring the competence and integrity of testing and certification organizations.
She also highlighted the measurements for upholding good hygiene practices, as well as COVID-19 related testing that will help manufactures, suppliers and buyers protect their colleagues, customers, and reputations.
Says Denis Leung, General Manager, Intertek Hong Kong Food Service Team: “Health and safety of all are of utmost importance, especially during the global COVID-19 challenge, and together we can do so much more. Here at Intertek Hong Kong, we take the health and safety of our customers very seriously in our pursuit of the betterment of the public health. Every cloud has a silver lining, so we must adjust accordingly.”
Ever since the pandemic began, the testing and certification industry as a whole has been constantly refining their services to combat the velocity of changes coming out of the pandemic. With restless efforts, the industry has seen positive adjustments compared to the start of the pandemic. As one of the leading Total Quality Assurance providers to industries worldwide, it is our duty to safeguard consumers. We strive to guide businesses to improve their food safety and build their brand moving forward.
Thank you HKCTC and HKDTC for having us at this amazing event. Let’s fight this pandemic together and see you again next year!
Mandy Cheng, Food Safety Manager shares her expertise which inspires many of the industry players from the food and beverage industry.