15 Sep 2022

Offering a fulfilling learning experience for students interested in pharmaceutical product testing

On Aug 16, a group of 20+ students from the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) attended a taster course by Intertek Hong Kong, allowing them to get a taster of what to expect from the pharmaceutical product testing field.

HKAGE is a non-profit organisation subvented by the Education Bureau of Hong Kong SAR Government. They work with schools and universities to provide off-school gifted education programmes for gifted students with the aim of stretching their potential. HKAGE visited Intertek as part of their course themed “Drug discovery and development”.

Denis Leung, our General Manager from the Food Services Team, gave a brief introduction on Intertek Hong Kong's profile and background and a lecture on heavy metals analysis and microbiological analysis of drugs. Following the lectures was the highlight of the day – the laboratory tours. Students were able to see the major instruments for heavy metal analysis and microbiological analysis up-close, such as the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Says Dr. Jimmy Wong, Executive director of HKAGE: “Thank you Intertek for arranging the site visit for us. The day was so fun and engaging for the students. The workshops provided practical knowledge about the testing of pharmaceutical products, while the lab tour gave the taster programme substance. This training will definitely help our students to gain a better understanding of the field.”

Dr. Sally Wong, a renowned chemistry scholar from Defining Education: “I am glad to be collaborating with Intertek Hong Kong again. I am so impressed by their expertise of testing and certification, their highly efficient operation, and their passion to provide the best service to customers. So when we were planning site visits, I immediately thought of Intertek. As a teacher myself, I truly appreciate this tailor-made workshop that gives us an introduction into the inspection, testing and certification of pharmaceutical goods.”

Says Denis Leung: “Intertek Hong Kong is glad to be contributing to the education of these bright young minds. We believe that good quality learning outside the classroom adds much value to classroom learning. We are keen to plan more programmes and courses designed explicitly for students, because it is a great way to get in contact with many different stakeholders in our community, and demonstrate how we bring quality, safety and sustainability to life.”

Photos from taster course event attended by students from HKAGE