In summer, it can be embarrassing to have a strong body odour or smelly feet—some people may be upset by the offensive odour.
How can you add value to your products by providing evidence of good deodorizing features?
- Help keep the environment fresh, e.g., toilet towels with deodorizing feature can help freshen the air inside bathroom
- Impart long life and wash resistance
- Applicable to varied shapes and sizes without design limitation
How does Deodorization work?
The deodorization test measures how efficient a textile material is in reducing unpleasant odour chemicals, e.g. ammonia, acetic acid, isovaleric acid and nonenal from body odour caused by sweat and odours from garbage, cigarettes and toilets. Usually, an antimicrobial finish prevents garments from having unpleasant odours. Chemicals which can inhibit the growth of odour-generating bacteria can be applied to clothing and textile materials to reduce unpleasant odours on the fabric materials.
Intertek Hong Kong supports deodorization testing by various methods:
- FTTS-FA-018 (Ammonia)
- ISO 17299-2 (Ammonia)
- JEC 301-2015 (Ammonia)
- ISO 17299-2 (Acetic acid)
- JEC 301-2015 (Acetic acid)
- FTTS-FA-018 (Acetic acid)
- ISO 17299-3 (Method A Isovaleric acid)
- JEC 301-2015 (Isovaleric acid)
- ISO 17299-3 (2-Nonenal)
- JEC 301-2015 (2-Nonenal)
Anti-Bacterial Test
Intertek can test the function by both quantitative and qualitative methods to prove its lasting and continual protection against bacteria wash after wash
Intertek can test the function by both quantitative and qualitative methods to prove its lasting and continual protection against bacteria wash after wash
Far-Infrared Test
Well equipped to test far-infrared fibers on far-infrared emission rate and temperature rise
Well equipped to test far-infrared fibers on far-infrared emission rate and temperature rise
Wrinkle Free Test
Intertek Hong Kong supports testing to prove easy-care performance by less care or no ironing required after washing or wrinkling
Intertek Hong Kong supports testing to prove easy-care performance by less care or no ironing required after washing or wrinkling