The Mark of Quality and Confidence


Demand for medical face masks and respirators continues to grow as the pandemic lingers. Mask products are critical for protection, but it is often difficult for wearers to identify safe and quality mask products when the market is plagued with substandard lookalikes. Very often, wearers trust the claims on the packaging of masks without any means to validate them. In addition, buyers of these critical supplies are sometimes provided with incomplete or even fraudulent testing reports that are claimed to be issued by authorized parties. There is news of governments of importers having procured substandard PPE as they have relied on inaccurate or misleading information.

Intertek Solution

Intertek has developed an innovative Mask Label Program to support our customers in communicating the verified quality and performance attributes of mask products to their constituents through a trusted tool. The Mask Label Program also helps to promote regulatory compliance and increase traceability of mask products on the market.

Intertek Mask Label Program

The Mask Label Program is a voluntary program for Intertek customers who have tested their mask products at our PPE Centres of Excellence and fulfilled all mandatory test requirements of international or national standards.

Under the program, a mask label showing the testing standard and the classification attained, together with a unique QR code that links to the mask information, will be granted to successful applicants with an aim to help them promote the quality and safety of their mask products through third-party verification of compliance.

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  • A trusted tool to showcase quality and compliance of your mask products to give peace of mind to consumers
  • Differentiate your quality products from other masks in the market with verified information
  • Instant access to verified mask performance and compliance information with a scan of QR code
  • Increase traceability of your mask products
  • Increase business opportunities by listing your products in the Intertek PPE Directory

Our PPE Centres of Excellence offer Total Quality Assurance solutions to support the sourcing, procurement, manufacturing and R&D activities for masks. Contact our experts today to learn more.

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