Intertek Hong Kong is the ONLY test lab in Asia accredited by UKAS and recognized by Digital Radio UK to perform the digital radio tick mark tests.
We are the ONLY test lab in Asia
For your DAB products, we can offer:
- Walk-in Test
- Pre-Test
- Full Certification Service
The Digital Radio Certification Mark (“tick mark”) identifies and gives greater assurance to consumers that the DAB digital radio products and services they are buying are future-ready and will enable them to receive the available DAB, DAB+ and FM radio stations.
To be granted the use of tick mark, manufacturers must prove that their products meet the minimum specification, they must get their product(s) through testing.
DAB Radio Products
The following product types are eligible for the tick mark:
- DAB receivers (domestic and in-vehicle)
- Hifis with DAB (domestic)
- DAB head units (in-vehicle)
- DAB adapters (in-vehicle and domestic)
- New vehicles (in-vehicle)
When used on digital radio equipment, the mark certifies that “this radio is future-ready and can receive the available DAB, DAB+ and FM radio stations”.
Visibility of the Mark
The mark can appear at retailer point of sale, on packaging, online and on other marketing materials. Use of the mark will be granted on approval from Digital Radio UK.
Approved Test House
Receiver manufacturers are advised to carry out the Per Product Test in an approved test house by Digital Radio UK.
If receivers applying for use of the tick mark have not been tested in an approved test house then Digital Radio UK reserves the right to ask the manufacturer to carry out further testing. For example, it will ask for pictures of the testing facility and details of the equipment used.
DAB Standard for Digital Radio Tick Mark
The DRUK Digital Radio Tick Mark for both radio products and core technologies had made a transition on technical alignment from ETSI TS 103 461 v1.1.1 to v1.2.2. Since April 1st, 2022, all applications for product and core technology certification shall only be made using ETSI TS 103 461 v1.2.2.