Intertek Hong Kong is an accredited Local Certification Body, LCB, for Hong Kong's Communications Authority, CA, to provide certification service for telecommunications equipment and any industrial, scientific and medical equipment to be used and sold in the Hong Kong market.
In Hong Kong, the technical specifications for telecommunications equipment and industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) equipment emitting radio frequency energy intentionally are prescribed by the CA. The technical specifications are mainly set for the purposes of electrical safety, prevention of interference, network compatibility and network interoperability. Telecommunications equipment or ISM equipment which has been evaluated to be in compliance with the relevant technical specification may be granted a certificate under the Hong Kong Telecommunications Equipment Evaluation and Certification Scheme.
Intertek Hong Kong has had years of testing experiences for Radio Devices with accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 in relation to EMC or telecommunications aspects. Our technical competence, knowledge and expertise to test and evaluate products have granted us the Local Certification Body status with the Communications Authority. Intertek Hong Kong is one of the few laboratories granted with this status to issue certificates under the Ordinance for the specific equipment or installation that complies with the prescribed specifications.
For the related testing and certification service of the Hong Kong Telecommunications Equipment Evaluation and Certification Scheme, starting from 1 October 2009, please download the forms in the below links and submit the completed applications to our office.
Intertek Hong Kong has been recognised to certify 5G Radio and IoT equipment.
Required Information for LCB Application:
- LCB Application Form
- Test Report
- External Photos of Equipment
- Internal Photos of Circuit Boards or Component & PCB Layout Diagrams
- User Manual
- Technical Specification
- Block Diagrams
- Circuit Diagrams or Circuit Description
- Advertising material (if any)
- Cover Letter (if any), e.g.: Letter of Authorization, Letter of Equipment Model Declaration
- Attestation Letter (if any)
LCB certification terms and conditions
Guidance for Labeling of Telecommunications Equipment