The Third Phase of Hong Kong Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (HKMEELS)
We are accredited to assist you with the testing, reporting and applying for Hong Kong Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (HKMEELS).
With a view to further explore energy saving potential, in the third phase of HKMEELS, television is proposed to be extended to the coverage of Hong Kong Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (HKMEELS).
Since the implementation of Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (MEELS) in 2009, the number of energy efficient products in the market has been increasing and consumers can have more choices.
The energy label classifies the energy performance of a product type into five grades to help consumers in choosing energy efficient products. A product with Grade 1 energy label is among the most energy efficient in the market while a product with Grade 5 is least energy efficient.
With a view to further explore energy saving potential, in the third phase of MEELS, television is proposed by Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) to be extended to the coverage.
Similar to the current practice under MEELS, the proposed third phase of MEELS requires importers and local manufacturers to submit the product information (including test reports) to EMSD for assignment of reference number and record; and to affix Energy Label in prescribed format on these products before supplying them to the local market.
The proposed third phase of MEELS, in which the proposal to include Televisions as new prescribed products has already gained approval from the Government.
After all approvals, the trade should get the implementation details and transitional arrangements of the proposal such as the revised and new content of the Code of Practice on Energy Labelling of Products; transition of product models registered under the Voluntary Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme to MEELS, and etc from EMSD.
Extra Testing Requirement: Display Luminance Requirement
- The measurement for peak luminance ratio produced between the default picture setting and the overall brightest preset picture setting shall be conducted in accordance with IEC62087
- The peak luminance ratio of the default picture setting of the television as delivered by the manufacturer shall not be less than 65% of the peak luminance of the brightest on-mode condition provided by the television. Any television with the peak luminance ratio below 65% can only obtain a Grade 5 level.
Intertek Solution
Intertek Hong Kong has the testing scope for HKMEELS, and we are accredited under the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) and have relevant energy efficiency accreditation under the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF). We can assist you with the testing, reporting and applying for HKMEELS.